You are ONE thought away from feeling GOOD and ONE realization away from the solution to your problem.


heartnership beach sunset good feeling

Good Feelings invoke a state of mind where you flourish despite obstacles or setbacks.
Good Feelings help you maintain balance, vitality and health.
Good is that which nourishes your optimal state of health and happiness.
Good is that which is in alignment with your innate wisdom and truth.

Truth Bomb

Truth Bomb

You are perfect inside and there is nothing wrong with you.

Mental Health is within your reach. Even if you have struggled psychologically for a long time, you can find inner harmony and equilibrium.

Mental Health cannot be permanently damaged.

People are not broken, and can never be broken, no matter how troubled they may have been.

In the equilibrium of a harmonious mind, you are healthy and well.

Feel Good Transformation Course

Eight Sessions To Retrain Your Mind
  • Flip depressive and fatalist thinking into vital and energetic feelings.
  • Shift your attitude to make life easier and more fun.
  • Consider how you may have created or invested in problems with your mind.
  • See new ways out of mental anguish, anxiety and torment.
  • Explore the truth of your experiences and transform your life.
  • Powerful methods and principles to change old behaviors and create new habits.
  • Strategies to recalibrate your busy mind to relieve unnecessary stress.
  • Rediscover how to be guided by your innate wisdom and authentic truth.
  • Manage and accept all of your feelings.
Michaelah Ivie

What my clients say...

Michaelah has a myriad of tools, skills and experience, but what struck me was her quality of presence: she is all there and this allowed us to go straight into the heart of the issue. I sensed right away that she was on my team and that all she wanted was to help me snap out of my torpor! And did she ever!

Flora Lintern, Graphic Artist

Michaelah helped my partner and I clarify and express our hearts’ truths to each other, and to deeply explore our rough spots so we can cultivate more authentic connection and understanding.

Michael H, Software Engineer

One of the best tools of growth I’ve ever invested in. If you want less stress, high level support, guidance and accountability from someone who walks their talk then work with Michaelah and you will be soul thankful you did!

Gina René, Singer

My path has never seemed brighter. Difficult life issues that were once obstacles are now practically forgotten memories. Today my thoughts are filled with gratitude, optimism and joy…thank you for light the path Michaelah.

Ulysses Van der Kamp, Viticulturist